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July Releases

Amy Leibowitz anthology available now coming soon geonn cannon lesbian fiction new release performing arts pride month romance underdogs urban fantasy women who love women

Happy July! While most of you all have already had your Pride celebrations, my city's isn't until the end of this month. So I get to celebrate for twice as long, and I plan to enjoy it!

We have a couple of books out this month that I'm really excited about. First, Geonn Cannon's latest, Kennel Club, released yesterday. For those of you keeping track at home, this is book 7 in his Underdogs series. You won't want to miss this one!

Next up, we have UPSTAGED: An anthology of women who love women in performing arts. This is a collection of ten diverse stories about women on stage and screen. They range from light-hearted to tender to political with a wide variety of performing arts represented. This one will be out on July 15.

Until then, stay cool, stay hydrated, and be sure to have a book handy. Happy reading!

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