Coming Soon
Coming Soon

Echo Chamber by Geonn Cannon
As far as she knows, Chloe Cross is the world's only time traveler. She can't change history, but she can attend David Bowie concerts, relive happy memories, and sleep with herself in different time periods (don't judge her). (F/F)
Coming Soon

Lesbian Fiction | Ghost Days | Geonn Cannon
An airport in the middle of the middle of nowhere. A lonely pilot. A new client. A seductive blonde. A proposition. (F/F)
Coming Soon

You Are Here | Lesbian Sci-Fi/Romance (Book Three of the Astraea Trilogy)
Xari Yacine volunteered for a solo mission of exploration in deep space. Her only companion on the journey is Vera, an artificial intelligence (F/F, Science Fiction)
Check out what's coming next from Supposed Crimes lesbian, gay, and queer publishing.