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October Reviews Round-Up

Amy Leibowitz

It's almost Halloween. If you don't already have spooky fun planned, why not stay in with a a mug of tea, some fuzzy slippers, and a good book?

Check out our newest release, For a Glance (Serpent's Throne Trilogy #1). Here's what reviewers are saying:

"Interesting and spooky. Worth a read for people who like strange and unusual things." -John, Amazon
"I've never thought of hell as a city, with job-specific districts and city planners and a ruler who finds managing it a distraction from what he'd rather be doing. After reading For a Glance i'm not sure I'll ever see it any other way." -Jo Frankel, Goodreads
"Reading this book made me feel like for a very short time I got a whiff of a story that came as quickly as it disappeared leaving me bereft and hungry for more." -VVivacious, Scattered Thoughts and Rogue Words
"I found Lucifer (yes, the Devil, Satan, the Prince of Darkness) to be irreverent, witty and all around enjoyable." -Lori, Goodreads

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