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Eventually at Supposed Crimes, your premier lesbian, gay, GLBT, Christian, action, science fiction, western, strong women publisher, all eBooks fall...
As a lesbian publisher, it's ironic perhaps that our first author, Geonn Cannon, is our most award-winning. He exemplifies that...
Bisexual Protagonists
Coming Soon
Check out what's coming next from Supposed Crimes lesbian, gay, and queer publishing.
Most of the writers at Supposed Crimes are big into fan fiction. As 2017 closes, it's no wonder that Geonn...
Gay Titles
Our gay publishing side is more correctly categorized as a place where men love men, not always exclusively. We wave...
Historical Fiction
Historical fiction has moved from a side project at Supposed Crimes to a major influence in LGBTQ fiction. The 2017...
Lesbian Titles
Supposed Crimes started as a lesbian publisher when Geonn Cannon and
Mystery and Detective
Let's talk about what Mystery and Detective at Supposed Crimes really is: Sexy lesbian cops. A lot of us grew...
New LGBT Fiction from Supposed Crimes
Check out new LGBTÂ books published by Supposed Crimes, featuring gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender romance, sci fi, steampunk, mysteries, cops,...
Paranormal and Supernatural
Supposed Crimes crosses lesbian publishing and gay publishing with the paranormal and supernatural. People love vampire novels and werewolf novels,...
Science Fiction
At Supposed Crimes, we're hoping to make a name for ourselves in LGBT science fiction publishing (not so much with...
Why does GLBT Steampunk get its own category, you may be asking, if there are only a few books? We...