Endless Days of Summer
- Author: Stacy O'Steen
- Release Date: Available Now
- eBook ISBN: 978-1-938108-74-7
- print ISBN: 978-1-938108-75-4
Struggling to cope with the reality of her decision to live away from home, Penelope Van Buren is thrust into college life head first with nothing to break her fall. It's a whirlwind once her dorm mate convinces her to leave the room. Penelope finds friends in LGBTQA club but when the questions start flowing through Penelope's mind she realizes she's been wrong about so many things.
Seeing the world around her with new eyes, she analyzes an old relationship that may turn out to be even more than she thought it would be. In the end, Penelope needs to do what would make her happy. The problem is she can't seem to figure out what that is.
Trigger Warning: Sexual Violence
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