Last Rites of the Capacitance
- Author: Christopher Michael Carter
- Release Date: Available Now
- eBook ISBN: 978-1-944591-97-7
- print ISBN: 978-1-944591-34-2
"Blending drama, horror, and science into a truly riveting and original science fiction saga from first page to last." - Small Press Bookwatch
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Dr. Angelique Puck headed into space for just another medical mission. She left her girlfriend and the controversy over Rabid Neural Stasis, the disease raging through Earth with no terrestrial cure, behind. She's focused only on science until horror overtakes the Capacitance, leaving her the only survivor.
Her brilliant mind and her bold space voyages have helped her cure some of the worst plagues on Earth, but now she's forced to learn new skills to save the ship, or slowly go mad trying.
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