Salvation (Dawn of War: Book One)
- Author: A. M. Hawke
- Release Date: Available Now
- eBook ISBN: 978-1-944591-92-2
- print ISBN: 978-1-944591-35-9
Salvation follows gladiator-pit-ruler Malek and sky-ruler Soran. Their two states face destruction unless the men can form a bond they both can trust.
Sexy and violent, with great battles in a beautiful cloud city, Hawke’s work has been described as dark, bloody, and thought-provoking. Salvation should appeal to readers of gay fiction and stories involving men loving men.
Famed gladiator Malek the Destroyer has spent years secretly plotting a revolution against the oppressive Senate that rules his planet. Popular victors who have retired, left the city of Dis, or even apparently died in the arena have secretly trained as Malek’s revolutionary army.
But Malek’s revolution won’t stand a chance if only one city fights it. He reaches out to Soran, leader of the one autonomous city left on the planet, Aerix. Soran leads a caste of Skyknights, starfighter pilots famed for elaborate body modifications that make them nimble fighters and grueling training as soldiers and fighter pilots. Malek invites Soran to Dis to secure an alliance—and to tempt him with promises of power.
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