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For the editor

merrymore Blog c. e. case our awesome editors

As soaps die and web series make money, this article about Morgan Spurlock and advertising-financing seems pretty relevant.

My mind has really been on editing. I need editors. I need editors I pay, because I need them to be rigorous and hard on me.

Otherwise, I think I give up on my stories too easily. I get exhausted. After 50,000 words and months of re-reading and re-writing, I declare something “done.” But just because I’m done doesn’t mean the story’s done. The editor’s job is to point out the holes I know are there, the holes I don’t know are there, and to hand me a shovel. And to glare at me.

I spend more time thinking about a story after I send it off to the editor than I do before. I progress from “I can’t anymore” to “I should’ve.” Protestant guilt? Thanks, mom? Regardless, I won’t write anymore without the editor.

I don’t think everyone has this problem. Sure, editors will always make a story better by finding typos and logic lapses, but if they only make it 5% better, is it okay not to use them? Probably. I think I’m in the 15% range. I need help.

Little Disquietude and The Riches of Mercy have early drafts posted online. I do get the occasional “This seems better” or at least, “This seems different” comment. Maybe it’s incidental to the readers. But I’m glad my novels are better than I can make them.

-C. E. Case

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