June 1, 2015 (Matthews, NC) --
Grace’s story continues. After the repeated deaths on the force, after being left hanging upside down in a car, broken and bruised, Grace comes face to face with her biggest demon: herself.
Struggling to get back on her feet and working toward getting an investigation going, Grace does her best to keep doing her job. But it isn’t easy to go to work every day wondering if she’s going to be the next one on the death list.
From the author…
I’m very excited for you all to read this book! It’s been hard to not spoil anything that happens in it. This book takes us on a deeper journey of Grace and what it means to be her, what she’s feeling and struggling with. It’s an emotional journey and a reaction to all that happened in the first book. But it hasn’t stopped. Her fellow officers are still dying, and she’s still got to figure out the ultimate question: who done it?
About the author…
Adrian J. Smith, or “AJ” as she is often called, has a generous and soft heart. She loves to rescue stray cats and dogs, as well as those who just escape. Her hoard of animals currently includes two cats, a dog and a fish, but no children as of yet. She’s passionate about LGBT et al rights, women’s rights and children’s rights.
AJ loves to read and write lesbian fiction, simply for the fact that strong women make her swoon and when two are involved her knees turn to jelly and she falls head over heels in love. AJ travels around the United States, and sometimes the world, gathering up stories for her novels. Currently, she lives in the middle of nowhere of the middle of nowhere and is rather difficult to find except on the internet, where she spends a lot of her time.
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