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Holiday traditions

Amy Leibowitz holiday lgbtqia books recommended reading

In keeping with this month's holiday theme, let's talk about traditions. I want to start by recognizing that this is a difficult time for many people for a number of reasons. Practice good self-care, including not reading this, as you need and are able.

Some traditions are carried over into adulthood from when we were children. Others are made when we build new families, by marriage, birth, friendships, or other means. There are times when they're simply a happy accident.

In my family, we celebrate multiple holidays because of our combined heritage and upbringing. Both my spouse and I brought some traditions with us. One of mine is to purchase a Christmas ball with the year on it. One of my spouse's was to read "A Visit from St. Nicholas" and the Bible story every year. Holiday television and movies factored in for both of us.

Another tradition from my family is books. Of course it was! Every year, I would get a stack of new books to read, which I had typically devoured by the time school started again in January. One year, my mom purchased a whole bunch that had characters who shared my name. I still remember how delighted I was to open the box on Christmas morning.

I've carried on this tradition with my own kids. This is made easier for my younger one, who loves to read on her Kindle. My older one still prefers a physical book. I'm hoping they're both pleased with this year's selections. I'm not telling yet, though!

Even I got in on this last year. I used all my gift money to buy new books. I spent my vacation reading, drawn into the worlds created by some of my favorite authors.

Last week, I mentioned some of my favorite (non-holiday) books in our catalog. This week, I'm linking you to a list of great holiday stories by authors you many not know (and some you may). If you're in the mood for a bit of cheer, hopefully one of these will do.

I'd love to hear from you. What are your holiday traditions? Are there any books you like to read over and over at this time of year?


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