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Lesbian Publisher Supposed Crimes Appearing Saturday at GCLS

Christy Case conventions gcls news

I am representing Supposed Crimes at the Golden Crown Literary Society 2016 Annual Conference on Saturday. The GCLS is a non-profit dedicated to lesbian literature. Our guiding light in the lesbian publishing world. I'll be there on July 9 in the morning and afternoon selling books and shaking hands.

Alas, we aren't Golden Crown Literary Award finalists this year. Many of our friends are! We're cheering them on. As previous award winners, we can be gracious, right?

In addition, this is a chance to meet the movers and shakers at Bella Books, Ylva Publishing, and Regal Crest. We'll also be hobnobbing with our critics and fans.

We will have not-yet-released titles in stock, like the hardcover of Trafalgar and Boone in the Drowned Necropolis by Geonn Cannon and Adieu Warm Sunshine by C. E. Case. That's me! We'll also have copies of The Remnant Fleet by Geonn Cannon and hot-off-the-press Silver Linings and Angel Wings by Kaden Shay. And there will be opportunities to buy full trilogies from Adrian J. Smith.

Here's our booth from OutlantaCon:

Come have fun with us! 

Supposed Crimes is a GLBT publisher focusing on genre fiction, crossovers, and the 3rd Wave. Come for the paranormal creatures, human heroes, and rock stars, stay for the romance.

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