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March Reviews Round-Up

Amy Leibowitz reviews speculative fiction

There have been a number of requests floating around for good speculative fiction, so here are a few of our more recent releases.

First up is Kaden Shay's Conquest: Kai's Story. Released in December, this is a great read if you're looking for something dark and suspenseful but with a surprisingly upbeat heroine.

It's different, and a way off my beaten track with its post apocalyptic theme, but I really did enjoy it. It's relatively clean and free of any kind of graphic violence. -Debbie, Divine Magazine

If you're more in the mood for an alternate universe 1950s with vampires, try What Everyone Deserves by Dan Ackerman.

A different perspective on discrimination and tolerance, this is also has a LGBT bent. Good blend of actual history, the story moves along well with fine plot and character development, with excellent descriptions. -Ken Cook, Goodreads

Surrogate, by Jeanne G'Fellers, is one of our newest releases. Complex in world-building, social commentary, and character development, this is a highly imaginative novel.

You can say one thing about "Surrogate” by Jeanne G'Fellers, it makes you keep reading. The imagination of the author opens not one, but three distinct, richly detailed worlds. -Ikuko, Goodreads

You can find more great speculative fiction at these links:

Paranormal and Supernatural

Science Fiction


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