News — current events
Let It B
bi erasure bisexual fiction bisexuality bisexuals current events writing
Amy LeibowitzThere's been some furor (and some confusion) over the recent 4Chan-initiated "drop the B" fake campaign. While this particular time there isn't a real initiative to eliminate bisexual from the LGBTQIA+ lexicon, it's evoked a lot of feelings.
It would be easy to laugh it off and dismiss it as right-wing trolls being their usual haterly selves if it weren't for some hard reality. The truth is, that campaign was borrowed from the actual experiences of bisexual people.
The fake campaign rested on the premise that bisexuality is inherently...
Getting Political
current events lgbtqia books politics queer publisher representation writing
Amy LeibowitzHappy New Year! 2017 was a heck of a ride. Here's hoping 2018 sees some improvements.
On that front, let's talk politics. No, not so much about the current state of the US government but on a more everyday level. How much is too much to incorporate into a novel? How do authors (and readers) balance political views with the books we write (and consume)?
There are no easy answers, and it obviously varies from person to person. Some people will say that books are an escape and no...
When Fiction Becomes Reality
Blog current events Sci Fi science fiction
Amy LeibowitzThis month, the focus is on science fiction. It couldn't have come at a better time. There are many exciting new discoveries all the time that line up with things people only guessed at fifty or sixty years ago. It makes one wonder what else might become reality.
On the flip side, not all of technology is innocent. Recently, there's been some controversy around an AI that can reportedly determine if a person is gay or straight based on analysis of dating profile pictures. While...
Blog current events lgbtqia books
Amy LeibowitzThere's been a lot of challenges lately in the lgbtqia+ books-and-writing world, particularly on the M/M Romance front. I don't have a dog in that fight, since I don't technically write genre romance or exclusively M/M. But it's been disheartening to see family fighting.
The last time I mentioned that, several people told me flat-out that we're not "family." Just because we share space under the rainbow doesn't mean we have much in common or want to hang out together, even in the book world. That may be true,...
Post-Election Mid-NaNoWriMo Encouragement
current events nanowrimo writing encouragement
Amy LeibowitzWe're halfway through NaNoWriMo, and in the U.S., we're a week out after one of the ugliest election seasons in my memory. Whether it's from word count or feeling disheartened at the election results, you're not alone.
Bear with me, I'm going to quote the Bible. Trust me, this is significant, and I'm not using it to beat anyone over the head. I'm finding encouragement anywhere I can get it, and I think you'll understand why I find this relevant to us in the author/reader/book community right now.