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News — current events

LGBTQIA+ News & Entertainment

Amy Leibowitz current events news

If you're in the northeast, I hope you're staying warm through this wintry weather. Where I am, there's about 2 feet of snow on the ground, and it's 9 degrees F (-13C). Brr! Hopefully this month's news will warm you upon some way.

The Good

New York state legislators finally voted to ban "conversion therapy" (altering sexual orientation or gender) for minors. The wording of the bill is inclusive. That means not only is it illegal to attempt to turn gay or lesbian people heterosexual, it's...

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LGBTQ is not a genre

Amy Leibowitz book categories current events genre fiction lgbtqia books

Last week, a lesser-known flash fiction contest went viral due to its refusal of LGBTQ material. The contest rules were then updated to clarify, but they remain antagonistic toward LGBTQ stories.

There are plenty of flash fiction contests that do not prohibit LGBTQ stories, and some that actively seek them. NYCMidnight, which begins every July, is one I personally have done, and I submitted...

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In the news: Politics, Media, and Fall Fun

Amy Leibowitz current events media news

October is shaping up to be an interesting month. Here's the bad, the good, the media, and the just plain fun.

The Bad News:

On the American political front, Brett Kavanaugh has now been confirmed and sworn in. It's more important than ever that all eligible people vote this November, regardless of your affiliation.

During a drill at school, a transgender student was the subject of debate by teachers. They didn't know which...

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September News, Info, & New Release

Amy Leibowitz current events new release news publishing

It's the start of a new school year, and fall is just around the corner. Here are some of the bigger news stories from the last few weeks, plus a bit about our new release.

First, and most importantly, India's top court decriminalized homosexuality. This is an important step in demolishing old colonial laws, which makes it a victory in more than one sense. You can read more about it here and Read more →

How much promotion is too much?

Amy Leibowitz current events promotion

Recently, there's been a big stir in the writing world, especially among small-press and self-published authors. It's taken different forms, but the main point boils down to whether or not authors can share links related to their books on their personal Facebook profiles.

The issue is multi-faceted and only affects Facebook. That's because FB separates business pages from personal profiles and doesn't allow either seamless integration or multiple personal profiles. Platforms like Google+, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. allow you to use the same profile for everything or create multiple separate accounts. (I believe G+ requires...

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