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News — theater

Author Spotlight: Allison Fradkin

Amy Leibowitz Allison Fradkin anthology available now Broadway interview lesbian fiction music performing arts theater YA literature

Today's UPSTAGED! interview is with Allison Fradkin, who (in her own words) is "a triple threat—patron, playwright, performer." Her YA story, "I Think I'm Gonna Like It Queer," is one of the most original pieces I've ever worked on. My own kids—performers themselves—loved it, their favorite part being identifying all the wonderful Broadway shows tucked inside.

What attracted you to the performing arts?

Remember the episode of I Love Lucy, "Lucy's Italian Movie," wherein the film's producer inquires, "Tell me, Mrs. Ricardo, have you ever...

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A New Anthology: Queer Women in Performing Arts

Amy Leibowitz anthology Anthology Submissions asexual fiction bisexual fiction coming soon dance lesbian fiction music news pansexual fiction performing arts queer women representation submissions theater transgender fiction women women who love women

This weekend, we were thrilled to announce our call for submissions for a new anthology: Upstaged: queer women in performing arts. This is a project close to my heart as someone who has been on stage as a symphony violinist for the majority of my life and with two children in the arts.

The idea was born after a friend had the opportunity to appear in The Vagina Monologues. As a result, she created a...

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Call for Submissions - Upstaged: an anthology of women who love women in performing arts

Amy Leibowitz anthology Anthology Submissions dance performing arts theater women

Upstaged Anthology Banner

Deadline: April 1, 2018
Release date: July 15, 2018
Payment: $40.00
Contact: upstaged@supposedcrimes.com

"All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players."

Give us your best stories about lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, transgender, intersex, asexual, and queer women who strut their stuff before a live audience. While we'd love contemporary romance at the symphony, we'll also take your stories about tap dancers in a galaxy far, far away or a heavy...

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