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Wrapping up another month & looking ahead

Amy Leibowitz

We're off to a good start in 2017, with a whole bunch of new titles coming up later this year. We've added a lot of new authors to the roster, and it's exciting to see what's on tap. You can check out the Coming Soon page to see what's in store.

In the latest reviews of our books, 2016's Anthem is still getting a little love:

"[T]his is a great, character-driven read (there is a strong plot as well, but my thing is people) that had me alternately swearing and 'aww'-ing at my Kindle. And it's actual, real LGBTQ+ fiction with strong bisexual main characters." -Debbie

Character-driven fiction is kind of our thing here. There are lots of great books which emphasize the growth of the protagonist even while they're solving crimes, flying in space, fighting vampire armies, writing songs, and falling in love.

If you're looking for more books with bisexual main characters, we've got you covered:

Across Worlds: Collision, by S.A. Snow (science fiction, erotica)

An Act of Devotion, by A.M. Leibowitz (romance, general fiction)

Cythera, by Jo Graham (science fiction)

Into the Furnace, by Geonn Cannon (action, general fiction)

Lower Education, by A.M. Leibowitz (general fiction)

Under Dark Sky Law, by Tamara Boyens (post-apocalypse)

Walking by Faith, by A.M. Leibowitz (general fiction, Christian, trans/genderqueer)

Surrogate, by Jeanne G'Fellers (March 2017) (science fiction)

Nightsong, by A.M. Leibowitz (Spring 2017) (general fiction)

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