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Done with NaNoWriMo? Show us your work!

C. E. Case Blog

You’ve just spent 30 days of your life slaving away at the computer during NaNoWriMo, typing those words out to hit 50,000 words by the end of the month. You’ve finished the novel, but now you’re not quite sure what to do. What are you to do with that novel you just wrote?

Think about publishing. It’s not an instantaneous process; it will take time and hard work. But it will put your work out there for readers to enjoy and share in. We, at Supposed Crimes, are ready to take you on! We have open submissions for all lesbian and gay fiction and a few anthology submissions open throughout the year.

For more information:

Novel Submissions

Anthology Submissions

But this year, we’re providing a special service. We’re willing to look through your novel on a first pass and give you our expert opinion.

First Pass Reading Service - Not sure your book will fit in with Supposed Crimes, but wrote one and want someone to have a look at it? Have you just finished National Novel Writing Month? Send your draft into submissions@supposedcrimes.com and we’ll evaluate it and give you our opinion on what you should do with it and where you should submit. If we love it, we may solicit it for publication and create an imprint for it! This service was previously open to reddit users only, but is now available to anyone for as long as submissions are open.

Spread the word—we want to look at what you wrote!

The post Done with NaNoWriMo? Show us your work! appeared first on Supposed Crimes, LLC.

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