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Where in the world is C. E. Case?

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I have not been writing lately. Nor researching. I’ve been keeping up with financials, but what little free time I had to devote to craft was eaten up by the World Cup. That’s 20 games in as many days. I watched them all. But even this year I didn’t give as much attention to the World Cup as in years past. I didn’t read multiple news stories and editorials every day. I didn’t scour Getty Images. I am even behind on Cross Conference, which expanded its coverage. The momentum is there. The WPS continues and right on its heels, NCAA.

Meanwhile I can get back to life. Starting with the perfect setting for Filaments. Finally!

This little treasure is in Sheffield, AL, which is known for Late Gothic architecture. We drove around their commercial district, too, hailing from the 1880s. I need to spend more time there.

Meanwhile I’ve been reading The Help the last couple nights. It’s just as good as everyone says. Despite the incredibly douchey premise, it’s engaging and fast-paced. My kind of book. Much better than Room. I need to read bestsellers for my real job, and I need to read unsigned uber novels for my cool job. The second one, I struggle with. Perhaps I should pay finder’s fees.

Read a good story lately?

-C. E. Case

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