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A. M. Leibowitz's New Novel, "Passing on Faith," Available November 1

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MATTHEWS, NC (November 1, 2015) -- A. M. Leibowitz's new novel, "Passing on Faith," tells the story of Micah Forbes, a man looking for peace in summer surroundings. He meets Cat, who takes him on a journey of faith, courage, and love. 

Janice Birnie of Divine Magazine writes, "[This book] is a very dark place to visit, particularly in the first quarter of the book. Persisting beyond the darkness is well worth the trip, however, and this beautifully written book is something to be savoured." 

Available in Print and eBook at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Smashwords.

About the Author

A. M. Leibowitz is a spouse, parent, feminist, and book-lover falling somewhere on the Geek-Nerd Spectrum. She keeps warm through the long, cold western New York winters by writing romantic plot twists and happy-for-now endings. Her published fiction includes her first novel, Lower Education, as well as a number of short works, and her stories have been included in several anthologies. In between noveling and editing, she blogs coffee-fueled, quirky commentary on faith, culture, writing, and her family at amleibowitz.com.

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