News — family issues
Queerer than thou
awareness culture family issues life
Amy LeibowitzLast week, I came across this info graphic posted by Robyn Ochs. Now, I should preface this by saying she is a thoughtful, genuine person with a passion for bisexual activism. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting her, and she is truly kind. I’m grateful for her definition of bisexuality, especially because it knocks down a lot of the “bi vs. pan” debating (usually instigated and carried out by people who are neither bi nor pan).
That said, this particular quote really stuck in my craw.
March New Release: What Happened When I Stopped Watching TV by Alec West
Alec West available now family issues new release
Amy LeibowitzOur second new release this month is What Happened When I Stopped Watching TV by Alec West. This is a terrific collection of poetic and literary short stories. You’ll want to bring an open mind and heart to reading them, but you may find you’re a changed person afterward.
What Happened When I Stopped Watching TV
The sun is too far away to burn an airplane.
But it looks so close.
That’s because...
5 Places You Can Visit in Supposed Crimes Books
a m leibowitz american southwest arizona bisexual novels c e case family issues gay male gay novels geonn cannon lesbian novels north carolina seattle small towns squire's isle upstate new york
Christy CaseOh the places you can go...
Like the American Southwest.

Follow lesbian outlaw hero Claire Lance through Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, and Nevada. Book One, Tilting at Windmills, is a Rainbow Awards and Golden Crown Literary Society finalist by prolific Geonn Cannon.
Claire Lance is on the run. For the past year, she has kept on the move, keeping her head down, keeping out of trouble. Until she reaches a tiny town in Texas and trouble finally corners her. Forced to take action to save another woman’s life, she suddenly...
A. M. Leibowitz's New Novel, "Passing on Faith," Available November 1
a m leibowitz christian cross-dressing disabilities family issues gay male transgender upstate new york
Christy Case
MATTHEWS, NC (November 1, 2015) -- A. M. Leibowitz's new novel, "Passing on Faith," tells the story of Micah Forbes, a man looking for peace in summer surroundings. He meets Cat, who takes him on a journey of faith, courage, and love.
Janice Birnie of Divine Magazine writes, "[This book] is a very dark place to visit, particularly in the first quarter of the book. Persisting beyond the darkness is well worth the trip, however, and this beautifully written book is something to be savoured."
Available in Print and eBook at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and...