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New Release: Surrogate: Hunted by Jeanne G'Fellers

Amy Leibowitz bisexual fiction Jeanne G'Fellers lgbtqia books new release news pansexual fiction queer women religion representation Sci Fi Surrogate wlw books

In the mood for something unique? Surrogate: Hunted may be just what you're looking for.

It's not often that I say I've been privileged to be part of a book's process, but it's true in this case. I got to work behind the scenes, and I can say this book is not like anything else I've read.

One of the things that makes this story stand out is the attention given to details about family life. It's not limited to one type of family or one culture. There's deep exploration of romantic and sexual partners as well as the parent-child bond and what forms those elements of family life. Because the story spans worlds, readers can experience different types of interactions and compare them.

At the same time, while the setting is not our modern world, it leaves open the door for examining our human relationships. What is love between partners or spouses? What does family mean?

This is, of course, science fiction. So there's plenty of nifty technology and space exploration to keep fans of the genre happy. But this is also very much science fiction for people who prefer character-driven work. You won't find in-depth explanations about how the flux capacitor works, and there aren't any epic battle scenes with rogue pilots blasting the enemy into the next galaxy.

Be sure to check out this fantastic book. If you haven't already and need to catch up, you can also read the first book in the series, Surrogate.

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