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News — bisexual novels

Happy Pride Month 2019!

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It’s that time of year again, when we talk about one of my favorite things: LGBTQIA+ people proudly owning who we are. This is a particularly meaningful year as we commemorate the 50th anniversary of the riots at the Stonewall.

This month, we’re featuring a range of books with main characters who identify all across the rainbow:

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Author Spotlight: Lara Zielinsky

Amy Leibowitz available now bisexual novels bisexuality erotic romance interview lara zielinsky lgbtqia books new release own voices polyamory queer women women who love women

In honor of the release of her latest novel, We Three: One and One and One Makes Three, we chatted with Lara Zielinsky about the book, writing, and life in general.

Is there a character in your work you feel especially connected to? Why?

My girlfriend Lisa (yes the same one I co-dedicated the story to) asked me this same question when I sent her the submission draft of We Three for her opinion before I submitted to publishers. Because of the situation, a married...

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Happy #BiWeek!

Amy Leibowitz a m leibowitz awareness bisexual fiction bisexual novels bisexuality bisexuals

We are all about the B in LGBTQ+ today. Yesterday marked the 20th Bi Visibility Day, which kicks off Bisexual Awareness Week. You can follow the #BiWeek hashtag on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, G+, Tumblr, and Pinterest.

Here's how activist Robyn Ochs defines bisexuality:


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Beyond the Binaries

Amy Leibowitz available now bisexual novels bisexuality representation transgender

For some time, there have been great discussions going on in the LGBTQIA+ book world. The vast majority of popular queer fiction is either romance or features a romantic relationship. This is not bad at all. It's wonderful that romance includes couples (and more) of all kinds. Still, even within that, there's an emphasis on same-gender, monogamous couplehood.

This is beginning to change as we see more people writing #OwnVoices stories that transcend these boundaries. In some older books, non-binary genders and/or attractions were almost non-existent or subsumed by...

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What PRIDE means to me as an author

Amy Leibowitz a m leibowitz bisexual novels coming out lgbtqia books own voices pride month

I'm going to get a little personal here as I wrap up our Pride-themed month. I hope many of you were able to attend festivities (or will be able to; in my city, Pride is next month).

When I began writing seriously in 2013, I had no intention of publishing. I just wrote a novel to see if I could, thanks to National Novel Writing Month. I ended up with 50k words of what would be my first published book. It wasn't meant to be LGBTQIA+-themed, either. Let me tell you, I was...

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