News — gay
PRIDE reads!
a m leibowitz adrian j smith Anthology Submissions aromantic asexual bisexuals dan ackerman gay geonn cannon lara zielinsky leigh vining lesbians nonbinary polyamory Pride queer stacy o'steen transgender
Amy Leibowitz
June is Pride Month, so get your reading game on with some of our best titles to represent a rainbow of people!
Aromantic: Minuet, by A.M. Leibowitz
Asexual: Endless Days of Summer, by Stacy O’Steen
Bisexual: Unbound, by Adrian J. Smith
New in November
bisexual novels christian gay new releases news vampires
Amy LeibowitzWe're a week into NaNoWriMo already. Whether you're a seasoned NaNo Pro or a shy newbie, I hope it's going well for you. You'll need time in between writing sessions to relax with a good book.
November's new releases are both filed under gay fiction, but they both stray from the usual expectations:
Walking by Faith, by A. M. Leibowitz, features a queer person of faith on a journey toward hope and healing. If you enjoy spiritual themes without the preaching, people who exist outside the gender binaries, and non-traditional love stories, maybe this...