News — social justice
A little community education
awareness culture education identity LGBTQIA politics queer social justice tips
Amy Leibowitz
I thought this might be a good time to do a little bit of LGBTQIA+ education. Even those of us within the community can sometimes be unaware of what affects people with identities other than our own.
It comes up periodically that someone (or usually multiple someones) take issue with the terms different parts of the community use. I’m not going to get into a spitting contest with people over it, so I’d suggest that folks do some reading on the history of different terminology. Many of the words we know now have...
Coming Soon, spring edition
a m leibowitz bisexual novels coming soon dan ackerman fantasy gay fiction gay novels geonn cannon lesbian books lesbian fiction queer women romance science fiction social justice speculative fiction wlw books women who love women
Amy Leibowitz
Here’s what we have in store for you for the spring. Stay tuned!
Award-winning author Geonn Cannon’s next book releases March 1. You won’t want to miss this Clare Lance story!

Monarch, by Geonn Cannon - releases March 1
Claire Lance once had a knack for finding trouble while on the run from the law. Now, years after settling down, trouble has found her.
Claire and her wife, Jodie, have been settled for six years in the quiet Washington island town of...
To cancel or not to cancel?
media social justice social media
Amy LeibowitzThere’s been a lot across social media about She-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named and her ongoing trans-antagonistic words and behaviors. I wanted to wait until some of the initial fury had passed to write this. (My fury, not other people’s.) The pause has given me some time to think about some bigger issues, like whether we can really separate the art from the artist and if there’s a widespread problem with “cancel culture."
First, can we enjoy a book or a film or a piece of music independently from the person who created it? That depends...
What If We Do Wait?
culture own voices representation sensitivity social justice writing
Amy LeibowitzRecently, I shared the above meme. The text of the main point reads:
Some people took this to mean hetero-washing or...
The After School Special
Amy LeibowitzIf you are like me and grew up in the 1970s, 80s, and early 90s in the US, you probably remember the ABC After School Specials. If not, or if for some reason you were entirely unaware of this phenomenon (which spread to multiple other networks), here’s what Wikipedia says:
The American Broadcasting Company coined the term after school special in 1972 with a series of made-for-television movies, usually...