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News — spirituality

Writing about religion

Amy Leibowitz religion spirituality writing advice

The last time I wrote about this subject was almost four years ago. I posed the question, “Does religion belong in LGBTQIA books?"
I’ve been thinking about this again because a colleague of mine, F.E. Feeley Jr., has written a series of blog posts about the effects of fundamentalism, particularly on mental health and queer lives. Heavy content warning for anyone wanting to...

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Does religion belong in LGBTQIA books?

Amy Leibowitz lgbtqia books religion spirituality

This question comes up a lot, perhaps because religion can be a complicated issue for LGBTQIA folks. Many of us come from backgrounds where religion was used to control and abuse us. Some of us continue to engage with communities of faith; others do not. There isn't one simple or correct answer to the question.

In my own work, I tend to write a combination of religious and non-religious characters, drawing on my experiences as a child of an interfaith marriage. I grew up in a relatively non-religious household...

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