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Menu research

merrymore Blog c. e. case research western

Filaments the Western research this week celebrates a wonderful, if SLOW, digital collection from UNLV. Menus: The Art of Dining. Prowling hotel and café menus from the 1880s has caused me to rethink how I present food options. Lots of meat? Yes. Perfect for my cow town angle. But a wider selection of food than I thought, and “relishes” fascinate me.

Did I mention sloooooooow? Here’s one with a wine list. Tomato soup was ubiquitous. Ugh.

What I should be reading this week is Otalia fan fiction. I’m losing touch with the new stuff, I haven’t finished my survey of the older stuff, and I’m feeling repetitive. But instead I’m reading several histories of the Texas Rangers. Have I mentioned I’m not writing Filaments the Western until November?

-C. E. Case

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