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News — geonn cannon

November Reviews Round-Up

Amy Leibowitz available now geonn cannon lesbian books lesbian fiction new release now available steampunk women who love women

If you've never picked up a book by Geonn Cannon, then maybe these reviews of his latest will convince you to give it a shot. This is a fun series, and from the sounds of it, readers are thrilled with the latest addition: Trafalgar & Boone and the Children of the Burnt Empire. Also, the book covers alone are worth it. Isn't this one gorgeous?

Here's what reviewers have to say about the book:

"I love love love this...

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New Release: Trafalgar & Boone and the Children of the Burnt Empire

Amy Leibowitz available now geonn cannon lesbian fiction new release now available steampunk wlw books

If you've been following this terrific steampunk series, you'll be happy to know the fourth book is out this month! You won't want to miss Trafalgar & Boone and the Children of the Burnt Empire by Geonn Cannon.

From the description:

Dorothy Boone, still blaming herself for a devastating loss on their last adventure, and Miss Trafalgar are offered a new mission from the Royal Geographical Society: an expedition to find the source of...

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Summer Heat

Amy Leibowitz a m leibowitz adrian j smith anthology available now dan ackerman free reads geonn cannon links recipes stacy o'steen summer reading

Welcome to August! I don't know how it is where anyone else lives, but here in western NY, it's about as hot as it ever gets. Today, I thought I'd help us beat the heat with some hot weather tips for readers and writers (and a list of my favorite books to re-read while I chill).

1. Stay indoors.

  • Obviously, if you have air conditioning, then you can stay in your own house. But if not (like me), then there are a ton of great places I've gone...

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Author Spotlight: Geonn Cannon

Amy Leibowitz anthology available now circus geonn cannon historical fiction interview lesbian fiction new releases performing arts queer women underdogs urban fantasy women women who love women

Today's interview with Geonn Cannon is double the fun, since he's got two new stories this month. In UPSTAGED!, he takes us inside a traveling circus with a pair of knife-throwers in "Knife's Edge." And in Kennel Club, Underdogs #7, Ari and Dale are back for their latest adventure.

How and why did you chose your genre?

My first novel had a male lead, but a strong supporting cast of women (four leads, three...

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July Releases

Amy Leibowitz anthology available now coming soon geonn cannon lesbian fiction new release performing arts pride month romance underdogs urban fantasy women who love women

Happy July! While most of you all have already had your Pride celebrations, my city's isn't until the end of this month. So I get to celebrate for twice as long, and I plan to enjoy it!

We have a couple of books out this month that I'm really excited about. First, Geonn Cannon's latest, Kennel Club, released yesterday. For those of you keeping track at home, this is book 7 in his Underdogs series. You won't want to...

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