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Out-of-this-World Reviews for "Can You Hear Me?"

Amy Leibowitz available now geonn cannon lesbian novels new release reviews romance women

Geonn Cannon's Can You Hear Me?, released on February 1, is getting some much-deserved love. And what's not to like? A little bit of high-tech, a little bit of farm country, and plenty of delightful love between women.

Here's what some reviewers have to say:

I enjoyed the buildup between the Jamie and Noa, as well as the steady progression of their strange and atypical romance. Missing was the drama and angst you see so often with lesbian...

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Happy Holidays!

Amy Leibowitz available now holiday recommended reading

Strange to think, but this will be my last post of 2017. It's been quite a year. I'm closing it out with a mish-mash of seasonal ramblings.

Last week, I wrote about holiday traditions. When I shared it on social media, I was thrilled to get so many replies about the wonderful ways my fellow readers and writers celebrate. Everyone has favorite ways to spend the season. Food is a common theme, whether that's the fun of baking cookies or frying latkes or simply enjoying the array of treats....

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Beyond the Binaries

Amy Leibowitz available now bisexual novels bisexuality representation transgender

For some time, there have been great discussions going on in the LGBTQIA+ book world. The vast majority of popular queer fiction is either romance or features a romantic relationship. This is not bad at all. It's wonderful that romance includes couples (and more) of all kinds. Still, even within that, there's an emphasis on same-gender, monogamous couplehood.

This is beginning to change as we see more people writing #OwnVoices stories that transcend these boundaries. In some older books, non-binary genders and/or attractions were almost non-existent or subsumed by...

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Science Fiction, Identity, and Inclusivity

Amy Leibowitz available now bisexuality Jeanne G'Fellers lgbtqia books news Sci Fi science fiction speculative fiction Surrogate

As we wrap up our month of celebrating science fiction, we're also celebrating the "birth" of a new edition of Star Trek. ST: Discovery premiered last night. One episode aired on network television, and the rest will be available through subscription streaming.

We watched the first episode, and I'm on the fence. It seems to be a love-it-or-meh kind of show. So far, the plot didn't compel me; perhaps future episodes will. One of the selling points for a lot of my acquaintances seems to be the promised inclusion of a...

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Author Spotlight: Geonn Cannon

Amy Leibowitz available now geonn cannon interview lesbian books new release seattle shifters underdogs

Geonn is one of our most prolific and popular authors. Personally, I'm a big fan of the Underdogs series, for exactly the reason you'll see in his answer below. The latest, Dog Biscuits, is terrific. Read his interview, then pop over to check out the book!

What inspired you to write your latest story?

My latest project was a novel called Can You Hear Me. It was inspired by a couple of things: I wanted a sequel to Gravity focusing on Sandra Bullock...

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