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Author Spotlight: Allison Fradkin

Amy Leibowitz Allison Fradkin anthology available now Broadway interview lesbian fiction music performing arts theater YA literature

Today's UPSTAGED! interview is with Allison Fradkin, who (in her own words) is "a triple threat—patron, playwright, performer." Her YA story, "I Think I'm Gonna Like It Queer," is one of the most original pieces I've ever worked on. My own kids—performers themselves—loved it, their favorite part being identifying all the wonderful Broadway shows tucked inside.

What attracted you to the performing arts?

Remember the episode of I Love Lucy, "Lucy's Italian Movie," wherein the film's producer inquires, "Tell me, Mrs. Ricardo, have you ever...

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Author Spotlight: Renee Young

Amy Leibowitz anthology available now lesbian fiction music performing arts queer women Renee Young Sci Fi science fiction women who love women

This week, we're featuring interviews with some of the UPSTAGED! authors. Today, we have Renee Young. Her story, "The Helsinki Incident," is best described as atmospheric, sensual science fiction. I don't know about you, but I could do with reading more in that realm.

What inspired you to write your latest story?

A writer friend of mine was sharing an experience from her past where she had a deep personal insight while attending a work meeting in Helsinki and I jokingly called it her Helsinki Incident....

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July Releases

Amy Leibowitz anthology available now coming soon geonn cannon lesbian fiction new release performing arts pride month romance underdogs urban fantasy women who love women

Happy July! While most of you all have already had your Pride celebrations, my city's isn't until the end of this month. So I get to celebrate for twice as long, and I plan to enjoy it!

We have a couple of books out this month that I'm really excited about. First, Geonn Cannon's latest, Kennel Club, released yesterday. For those of you keeping track at home, this is book 7 in his Underdogs series. You won't want to...

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Welcome, Debut Author Leigh Vining!

Amy Leibowitz available now california gay fiction men who love men MLM new release romance

For this month's wrap-up, I'd like to offer a huge Supposed Crimes welcome—complete with glitter and rainbow streamers—to Leigh Vining.

Her debut novel, The Power of Two, is earning some great reviews. Check them out!

I was intrigued by the blurb for The Power of Two. I think it was the idea of Nick hopping a train that really did it. I’ve never seen that in a romance before and I wanted to see how it played out. I wasn’t disappointed. -Kenna, Read more →

Winter/Spring Reviews Round-Up

Amy Leibowitz available now bisexual fiction brandon summers fantasy geonn cannon Jeanne G'Fellers lesbian fiction pansexual fiction reviews science fiction speculative fiction urban fantasy

We've had a great few months of releases! Here's what readers have had to say about our books:

Can You Hear Me? by Geonn Cannon (February)

There’s much I like about this tale: a woodworker plying her craft in an old Indiana farm and a pilot flying the cutting edge of space vehicles. Old tech and new tech, and a ham radio that even the smartest of inventors didn’t see breaking through his modern communications, and how an open window can change your view...

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