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The Dreaded Sex Scene

Amy Leibowitz Blog tips writing advice

This picture of LEGO stormtroopers holding hands amused me.

This may come as a complete shock (or possibly not), but I dislike writing sex scenes. Surprising, maybe, because a fair number (okay, all) of my novels have at least a few.

My method of writing them looks like opening Scrivener, adding a blank scene, and squinting at it for an eternity before closing it and deciding to try again another day. Take two is usually a few vague sentences about who puts what parts where. By version three, I’ve added enough detail to qualify...

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March New Release: What Happened When I Stopped Watching TV by Alec West

Amy Leibowitz Alec West available now family issues new release

Our second new release this month is What Happened When I Stopped Watching TV by Alec West. This is a terrific collection of poetic and literary short stories. You’ll want to bring an open mind and heart to reading them, but you may find you’re a changed person afterward.

What Happened When I Stopped Watching TV

The sun is too far away to burn an airplane.

But it looks so close.

Thats because...

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March Release: Levitate by Geonn Cannon

Amy Leibowitz available now geonn cannon historical fiction lesbian fiction spine-tingling reads

Happy March! We’re excited to bring you another great novel by Geonn Cannon. This time, it’s a spy thriller:


To Cassiane Jurick, there is nothing in the world as important as The Mission. As a covert agent for Greek intelligence, she disappears into whatever role she's given. Her latest mission ends in failure and nearly costs Cassiane her life, but she is rescued and nursed back to health by her handler, Timothea Riddock. Adrift between assignments and still recuperating from her injuries,...

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Gatekeeping and queer culture

Amy Leibowitz

The other day, my local paper had an article explaining Gen Z slang to adults. They left out some terms, incorrectly defined others, used at least one outdated word, and had a couple with older use. My kids found it endearingly odd, but they were impressed someone tried.

Bear with me, this is relevant, I promise. Later in the same week, I had occasion to ask my kids for a slang word with a specific meaning. When I shared it, I had another adult “correct” me. I politely said I was sure my...

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Author Spotlight: Lara Zielinsky

Amy Leibowitz available now bisexual novels bisexuality erotic romance interview lara zielinsky lgbtqia books new release own voices polyamory queer women women who love women

In honor of the release of her latest novel, We Three: One and One and One Makes Three, we chatted with Lara Zielinsky about the book, writing, and life in general.

Is there a character in your work you feel especially connected to? Why?

My girlfriend Lisa (yes the same one I co-dedicated the story to) asked me this same question when I sent her the submission draft of We Three for her opinion before I submitted to publishers. Because of the situation, a married...

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