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Write what you know

Amy Leibowitz own voices representation sensitivity writing

It's one of the oldest and most common pieces of writerly wisdom: Write what you know.

At a glance, it seems easy to pooh-pooh. After all, science fiction writers have (presumably) never met an alien from the planet Zork, and to my knowledge, no one has personal experience becoming a werewolf. In real-world terms, everyone writes things outside their own lives, even if it's only the main character's age or career or home town.

On the other hand, there's something to that when it comes to certain things, particularly the emotions that ride...

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Author Spotlight: A.M. Leibowitz

Amy Leibowitz a m leibowitz interview lgbtqia books

It's a little odd to be "interviewing" myself, but I can hardly ask my colleagues to answer questions if I'm not willing, right? So here it is. And if you'd like to check out my new release, Keeping the Faith, I'd be delighted.

Which author(s) have inspired your writing? In what ways?

My favorite author is Elizabeth Berg. I love the way she writes about family and relationships and the expert way her characters grow. I often feel like...

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This month's theme: Sensitive content

Amy Leibowitz lgbtqia books sensitivity

What's the first thing that comes to mind when you read or hear the words "sensitive content"?

For me, it's growing up in an era in which that was sometimes how adults labeled things they thought were "not for children." Ironically, sometimes those things were literally about children, such as family issues like abuse and addiction.

As an adult and an author, I tend to think of sensitive as referring to things that may be emotionally heavy for readers. I try to make sure I indicate when content may...

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Writing Outside the Binaries

Amy Leibowitz book categories lgbtqia books non-binary representation

This month, we've been talking about books and subjects that bust binary norms. This can be in the realm of who we love, or it can be in the realm of who we are. Bi-, pan-, and asexuality as well as polyamory tear down the walls of who it's acceptable to love. Books with such characters are still too few and far between. Trans and intersex characters challenge ideas of who we are, and there aren't nearly enough of those, either.

I often find, as both a reader and...

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Author Spotlight: Dan Ackerman

Amy Leibowitz dan ackerman fantasy interview new release pansexual fiction

Today, I have the privilege of featuring Dan Ackerman. If you haven't read it, you should definitely check out October's new release, That Doesn't Belong Here. (Isn't that title fantastic?) Dan's a heck of a cool person, as you'll see from the interview.

What is the hardest part of writing?

For me, it’s having the time to write. I’m a night owl and always have been, but...

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